Hema committee report is first step: Anjali Menon speaks to Dhanya Rajendran

 Hema Committee Report

The Hema Committee report was released recently, sparking discussions across various sectors. This report is the result of an in-depth investigation led by Justice Hema, a retired judge. The committee was formed to address issues related to the film industry. The report highlights significant concerns and provides recommendations for change.

Background of the Hema Committee

The Hema Committee was set up by the Kerala government in 2017. This action was taken after a well-known actress was assaulted in February 2017. The incident brought attention to the safety and working conditions of women in the film industry. The Kerala government decided to form a committee to investigate these issues. Justice Hema, along with two other members, was chosen to lead the committee.

Key Findings of the Report

The report by the Hema Committee is over 500 pages long. It presents a detailed examination of the challenges faced by women in the film industry. One of the major findings is the prevalence of sexual harassment. Many women reported facing harassment from male colleagues, directors, and producers. These incidents often go unreported due to fear of losing work.

The report also highlights the lack of a proper grievance redressal system. Women who experience harassment have no safe way to report these issues. This leaves them vulnerable and afraid. The report suggests that an independent body should be set up to address complaints of harassment.

Another significant finding is the gender pay gap. Women in the film industry are often paid less than their male counterparts. The report calls for equal pay for equal work. It also suggests setting up a minimum wage for all workers in the industry.

The committee also found that women are often typecast in stereotypical roles. This limits their opportunities to showcase their talent. The report recommends that more diverse roles should be offered to women.

Recommendations by the Hema Committee

The Hema Committee has made several recommendations to improve the working conditions of women in the film industry. First and foremost, the report calls for the formation of an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) in every production house. This committee should be responsible for handling cases of sexual harassment.

The report also suggests that the Kerala Film Chamber of Commerce should take steps to ensure the safety of women on film sets. This includes setting up proper lighting and security arrangements, especially during night shoots.

Another important recommendation is the introduction of gender sensitivity training. This training should be mandatory for all members of the film industry, including directors, producers, and actors. The report believes that this will help create a more respectful and inclusive work environment.

The report also recommends that a separate welfare board should be set up for women in the film industry. This board should focus on providing health insurance, maternity benefits, and other welfare measures for women workers.

Reaction to the Report

The release of the Hema Committee report has generated a lot of reactions. Many women in the film industry have welcomed the report. They believe that it is a step in the right direction. However, some have expressed concerns about the implementation of the recommendations.

The Kerala government has assured that it will take the report seriously. The Chief Minister stated that the government is committed to improving the working conditions in the film industry. He also mentioned that a special committee will be set up to study the report and suggest ways to implement the recommendations.


The Hema Committee report is an important document that sheds light on the challenges faced by women in the film industry. The findings and recommendations provide a roadmap for change. It is now up to the stakeholders, including the government and the film industry, to take action. The implementation of these recommendations could lead to a safer and more equitable work environment for women in the industry.

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